Transnational laboral justice corridor

Corredor de Justicia Laboral Trasnacional

Since 20.., ProDESC is promoting the Corredor de Justicia Laboral Transnacional (Transnational Labor Justice Corridor) with the objective of counteracting the inequality that makes migrant workers more vulnerable. The corridor is integrated by different Workers Centers located in areas of migratory crossings, connected in a network with other Centers throughout the country.


The Workers’ Centers provide information on local labour markets and the industries in which they will join, promoting the organization and building of collective power, with a view to countering the current situation of over-exploitation of migrants in their transit through Mexico.



The contemporary forms of work are much more temporary and precarious: large industrial workplaces and the “work for life” scheme are being displaced by individualized workers, subcontracted workers, migrants, people working from home or constantly rotating between one workplace and another, and between occupations.

These forms of recruitment contracting lead to the individualization of workers who are less and less organized through traditional (syndical) structures of interest representation.


In view of these characteristics of labor precariousness, ProDESC developed a new strategy of labor organization for occupations that do not adapt to the classic forms of syndical organization.


Workers’ Centers

The Workers’ Centers are a meeting place for Mexican and Central American workers who provide information on local labor markets. The Centers strengthen organization and the construction of collective power through training and counseling with the objective of counteracting the current situation of overexploitation of labor in Mexico.


From the centers it is possible to articulate resistance to the complex labor challenges faced by migrant workers, like fraud, discrimination and deportation.

The Centers are a new form of organization for sectors where there is a lack of workers’ union representation, or for occupations considered “impossible to organize”.

In the centers you will find:



The Workers’ Centers are spaces for organizational action; they are where workers accompany the struggles and needs of other grassroots workers like themselves. The Workers’ Centers accompany collectives with which ProDESC already has a prior relationship, and the process is intended to help develop a strong cadre of committed and experienced organizers, connected to the communities and dedicated to the defense of workers’ rights.



The Workers’ Centers have educational, outreach and training programs to develop legal knowledge, information about the struggles of other workers and about the industries; about the production chains in which the workers will be inserted.

They also develope and distribute informational materials for workers.



The centers’ organizers are a rapid response team, in addition to being labor human rights observers, where workers can file collective complaints and denunciations about labor risks or violations of their DHLs. In this way, the centers will be able to identify and channel possible cases of labor human rights violations with trained lawyers willing to carry out their legal strategy.


who do you support?

In the Workers’ Centers we advise, train and accompany:

Mexican and Central American workers in transit to the United States.

Temporary migrant workers.

Internally displaced persons (IDPs).

National migrants who want to settle in border cities.

  • Deportees.

    People working in personal services.

    Workers in precarious sectors.

    Subcontracted workers.

    Workers in informal sectors.


Find your center

Centro de Asistencia, Asesoría y Atención al Trabajador Migrante Temporal

Topolobampo, Sinaloa

The Coalición de Trabajadoras y Trabajadores Migrantes Temporales Sinaloenses offers assistance to people interested in obtaining an H2-A or H2-B Visa, preventing possible fraud by recruiters.


Centro de Acompañamiento y Organización a Personas Trabajadoras


Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

The Centro de Acompañamiento y Organización a Personas Trabajadoras provides direct assistance to workers from the most precarious sectors in Ciudad Juárez who have suffered some type of abuse or aggression in the workplace.




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