Privacy Notice

In compliance with the provisions stipulated in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations, as well as its Privacy Policy Guidelines published in the Federation’s Daily Gazette, and other applicable standards, the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Project acknowledges the importance of the legitimate, controlled, and informed disclosure of personal data of our website users, making this Privacy Notice available for users to be informed about how their personal data is treated when it is collected, used, and stored.


The Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Project is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data. In this sense and in view of the legal obligations that have been established, through this instrument, data subjects are informed about the collection and use of their personal data when such data is obtained.


In addition, we would like to inform you that the Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Project is a non-profit civil society organization located at the following address:


Zamora 169-A, Colonia Condesa, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México. CP 06140.




The personal data that we collect from you will be used for the following purposes:

  • To check user identity;
  • To control access to our website set-up and maintain its security;
  • To respond to your questions, information requests, and/or comments;
  • To establish an advisory or accompaniment relationship in response to violations to your human rights.
  • To open, maintain, manage, and follow up the information provided through digital media.
  • To permit the user to access their profile and the site characteristics exclusively developed for users.
  • To personalize the functions of your user account.
  • To provide the user with information about employment opportunities, internships, recruitment process administration, and consideration for vacancies or for sending information about them that might be of interest.
  • To receive donations from national and foreign individuals and/or organizations.


Your data may also be used for the following secondary purposes, provided that you grant your consent for us to:


  • send you our newsletter;
  • send you information that might be of interest to you.


Your personal data might be used for purposes that are compatible with those described above or that may be considered analogous.


The Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Project may also collect information about you from public sources in order to contact you and provide information about the work carried out by ProDESC. In this case, you may at any moment opt out of receiving our information by sending an email to:, requesting that we stop using your personal data for this purpose.




For the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, your personal data may be collected in different ways: when you provide it directly, when you visit our website (, and when we collect information from other sources to the extent permitted by applicable law.




In order to fulfill the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will use the following personal data:

  • Identification data: name, personal address, date of birth, landline and/or cell phone number, e-mail address, image or photograph, and social media network accounts.
  • Academic data: educational background, degrees received, professional identification card number, specializations, certifications.
  • Work data: position, address, email, landline or cell phone and fax number.
  • Invoicing data: institution to which payment charges will be made, fiscal address, and tax identification code.
  • Financial data: bank account information and form of payment.


The personal data we collect will not be shared with any authority, company, organization, or person different from us and will be used only for the stipulated purposes.


The Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Project commits to and guarantees absolute confidentiality regarding any information and data owned by “THE DONOR” regardless of where this information or data has come from.


Within our website, there are options that allow us to collect a third party’s personal data. For this, we need you to have the third party’s consent. If you thus send us the aforementioned information, we will understand that you have previously requested permission from the data holder to share them with us.


Our website and all the information it contains are not intended for children under the age of 18. However, in case personal data of minors is collected, used, or stored, this will be done with the consent of the parental authority or tutor exercising parental authority.


If you are the parent or tutor exercising parental authority over a minor who has provided their personal data without your consent, you may submit a request to exercise any of the ARCO rights by sending an email to:




At any time, you have the right to access your personal data and learn about the details regarding how they are used (Access);


You are also entitled to request that corrections be made to your personal information in case it is outdated, inexact, or incomplete (Rectification);


Likewise, it is also your right to request to have your personal data deleted from our registers or databases when you consider that it is not fulfilling the purposes that justified its collection (Cancelation), and


You can oppose the use of your personal data, arguing a legitimate cause (Opposition).


You can also limit the use and dissemination of your data, or withdraw the consent you gave for the collection of personal data. These rights are known as “ARCO” rights and are stipulated in the Federal Law on the Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals and its Regulation.


The mechanism implemented in order for you to exercise your rights is through sending the corresponding request to the following email:


Your request must include:

  • Holder’s name and address or any other means to communicate the response to the request;
  • Documents certifying your identity, or if applicable, that of the holder’s legal representative;
  • A clear and precise description of the personal data over which you seek to exercise any of the aforementioned rights and any other elements or documents that facilitate the location of personal data.
  • If requesting a rectification, apart from the above, the holder must indicate the requested modifications and provide documents supporting the request.


The Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Project will communicate its decision within a maximum period of twenty business days counted from the day of the submission of the complete application to access, rectification, cancelation or opposition, to the effect that if the requested right is applicable, it becomes effective within fifteen business days following the date on which the response was communicated.


The aforementioned periods may be extended only once for an equal period of time provided there are justified causes.


The contact information of the person or personal data department in charge of processing the requests for the exercise of ARCO rights is as follows:

  1. Name of representative: Deputy Director of Operations
  2. Address: Zamora 169-A, Colonia Condesa, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Ciudad de México, México. CP 06140.
  3. Phone number: (55) 52-12-22-29.




Personal data will only be transferred in cases stipulated under Law, such as: compliance with legal provisions, requests by the authorities, or transfer of personal data to our ally organizations or donors.


In the specific case of candidates to employment or scholarships, their data will be transferred if and when they themselves request the transfer to third parties as professional references.




The Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights Project has established and maintains security, administrative, technical, and physical measures that allow your personal data to be protected against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or against unauthorized use, access or treatment to the extent permitted by applicable law.




Plug-ins of the social media networks Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram may be embedded in our web pages. The associated services are provided by the companies Facebook Inc. and Twitter Inc., respectively.


For an overview of the Facebook and Instagram plug-ins and their appearance, go to:


For an overview of Twitter options and their appearance, go to:


To increase the protection afforded to your data when you visit our website, these plug-ins are implemented as “2-click buttons.” This form of integration ensures that, when accessing a page from within our website containing such plug-ins, you are not automatically connected to the providers’ servers. Only if you activate the plug-ins, thus issuing a permission for data transmission, will the browser create a direct link to the providers’ servers. The content of the various plug-ins is then transmitted by the provider concerned directly to your browser and then displayed on your screen.


The plug-in tells the provider which of our website pages you have accessed. If, while viewing our website, you are logged into your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram user account, the provider is able to collate your interest, i.e., the information you are accessing, with your user account. On making use of any of the plug-in functions (e.g., clicking the “Like” button or leaving a comment), this information too will be transmitted by the browser directly to the provider for retention.


Further information on the collection and use of data by Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and on the rights and possibilities available to you for protecting your privacy in these circumstances can be found in the providers’ data protection/privacy notice:


Data protection/privacy notice issued by Facebook:


Data protection/privacy notice issued by Twitter:


To avoid allowing Facebook or Twitter to link your visit of our website to your user account with these providers, you will need to log-off the respective user account prior to accessing our website.




Substantial changes to the current Privacy Notice will be communicated through our website: