Tu lu’umil Dziuche’e’ yaan kex 7 u mejen kajtalil tu’ux kajakbal kex 3,611 máako’ob ka’anal u yicho’ob tumen maya máako’ob, leeyli’ u t’aniko’ob mayat’aane’, leeyli’ u meyajtiko’ob Ch’a’acháak yéetel waajil koole’. Tuláakal u kajnáalilo’ob, xiibo’ob yéetel xch’upo’ob, ku táakpajalo’ob te’el k’iimbesaja’, yaan máax ts’ik u xkaaxil, sakan, che’ yéetel taak’in ti’al u beetchajal u píibil. Ku láaj ts’abal u t’aanil ti’ tuláakal u chan kaajil ti’al ka’aj taako’ob u jaanto’ob u k’óolil yéetel ka’ak táakpajako’ob ti’ tuláakal ba’ax ku beetchajali’ je’el bix le payalchi’ ti’ Yuum K’áaxo’, ti’ u tsa’ayal le u nalil koolo’ yéetel ti’ yuum Cháak.
U jeel meyaj ku beetiko’obe’ leti’ le u tsikiko’ob le sijnáalilo’, ku k’áatiko’ob ichil u payalchi’ob ti’ le Aluxo’ob u yuumilo’ob le k’áaxo’ wa je’el u cha’abal ti’ob u meyajtiko’ob le lu’umo’, tumen wa ma’ tu beetiko’ob beyo’ le Aluxo’obo’ ku pu’ujsiko’ob máak tumen u yuumilo’ob le kúuchilo’obo’.
Jats’uts jaylik u boonlil u lu’umil, tu paach u najilo’obe’ yaan paak’alo’ob ku yichaankilo’obi’ yéetel janabil xíiwo’ob, so’oyo’ob beeta’an yéetel kolóojche’.
U kuxtal le mejen kaajo’ob tu bak’paach u náabil Chichank’áak’náabo’ seten piim. Le náabo’ u kúuchilil u bin xíimbal u kaajil Dziuche’i’, ti’ ku much’tal jejeláas kúuchkabalo’ob tu bak’paach ti’al u beeto’ob jejeláas k’iinbesaji’, ti’ ku kutal le máaxo’ob utstak tu yichuba’ob u yilo’ob u jats’utsil u biin k’iini’, beeyxan le máaxo’ob uts tu yich u yáalkabo’obo’ ti’ ku bino’ob le kéen sáaschajaki’, le kéen chíinik k’iine’ le taatatsilo’obo’ ti’ ku k’an’ansiko’ob u paalalo’ob báabi’ yéetel chuk kayi’ ba’ale’ ku kaláantiko’ob le kúuchil je’el bix suuka’anil ti’ maya wíinike’. Tu ejidoil Dziuche’e’ ya’ab máax beetik jejelás meyaj je’elbix le jkabnáalilo’, le kool tu’ux ku pa’ak’al xmejen nalo’, xnuk nalo’ yéetel u jejeláasil bu’ul, yéetel iibo’; ku k’a’ayta’al xan ti’al xíimbatbil tumen yaan u kúuchil ti’al u yichíinta’al u ja’ail, ts’o’okole’ ti’an tu beel u K’ulnajilo’ob Quinana Rooe’. Tu walkilila’ 461 u túulul ejidario’ob ts’ik u t’aanil bix úunchak u kaláanta’al yéetel bix úunchak u meyajta’al u náabil Chinchank’áak’náab yéetel tuláakal u lu’umil u ejidoil Dziuche.
In the territory of the Dziuché Ejido, there are 7 localities with a population of 3,611 inhabitants who are proud to be descendants of the Mayan culture, maintaining their language and ancestral traditions such as the Ch’a’aCháak, the petition to the god Chac to request rain at harvest time, through the collective “first fruits” of the people, a ceremony where men and women of the community collaborate, donating dough, chicken, wood and money to make the pibes, inviting the whole community to eat. Each family offers the individual “primicia” through the waajil koole’ at the end of the harvest.
Another of the inherited traditions is the respect to nature, asking permission through prayers and offerings to the Aluxo’ob, owners of the mountain for the use of their lands, since if not, the Aluxo’ob frighten the people to avoid their permanence in the sacred places. The offering is made on a milpa altar where pozole (pre-cooked dough dissolved in water) is placed.
The landscape is picturesque, the houses have in their backyard fruit trees with vegetables used by the housewives and fenced chicken coops of kolóoche’
The community life around the Chichankanab lagoon is vast. The lagoon is a recreational space for the community of Dziuché, where entire families gather at the foot of the lagoon to enjoy and celebrate special dates; couples sit on the dock to watch the sunset, athletes run in the morning on the road to the lagoon and in the afternoon parents teach their children to swim and fish with full respect and care for nature. In the Dziuché Ejido, people carry out different economic activities, such as honey production, agriculture focused on planting Mejen Naal (long-cycle corn), Nukuch Naal (short-cycle corn), zotiloca, Box ib (black beans) and Sak ib (white beans). Another of the main economic activities is tourism promotion, because this area has the only natural spa (in the Chichankanab lagoon) and is the starting point for the Route of the Churches in Quintana Roo. Currently, 461 ejidatarios are in charge of making the necessary decisions to conserve, protect, and take advantage of Chichankanab Lagoon and the Dziuché ejido territory.
474 ejidatarios of Dziuché rejected the petition to turn over 14,026 hectares of their property to become a state Natural Protected Area. This petition was requested by representatives of the government of Quintana Roo, SEMA and Amigos de Sian Ka’an.
The government of Quintana Roo issued a decree declaring the Chichankanab lagoon system a protected natural area.
The decree was published in the Periódico Oficial del Estado on April 1, 2011.
ProDESC began a process of legal accompaniment with the Dzuiché Ejido, filing a lawsuit for indirect protection against the acts depriving the ejido of its property by the decree issued in 2011.
The Dziuché ejido and ProDESC obtained the provisional suspension of the decree declaring the Chichankanab lagoon system a natural protected area.
The ejido Dzuiché was granted a protective injunction to annul the decree that affects its lands.
The government of the State of Quintana Roo published in the Periódico Oficial, the ruling that annulled the decree declaring the Chichankanab lagoon system a natural protected area.
The “creation” of this reserve was imposed on the ejido and the Mayan people, infringing on the agrarian rights of the owners of the land decreed as a natural protected area, as well as their rights as indigenous people.
By establishing a polygon within the Natural Protected Area, it officially seeks to preserve its great ecological value; however, it opens up the use and enjoyment of the administration and natural resources to third parties, such as companies or civil associations outside of the ejido, through agreements signed with the Secretary of Ecology and Environment (SEMA).
The Transnational Justice Coordination accompanied the legal process that led to the repeal of the natural protected area decree that was intended to affect the territory of the Dziuché ejido.
The Coordination of Organizational Processes works with the community to protect the ejido's land and territory in the Chichankanab lagoon by strengthening collective structures.
The Coordination of Strategic Communication accompanies the promotion of activities for the protection of the territory through didactic materials.